
Missions are run in two phases. Firstly all the configuration is prepared then once complete the mission stage and task operations are executed.


Map of environment variables where the values are not template expanded.

The basicEnv variables are loaded prior to the env variables. The env value takes prescience`

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No
  THRUSTERS: GO{{Not expanded}}


Free text description of the mission.

This property, along with comments can be used to document the mission.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


Map of environment variables where the values are template expanded.

The basicEnv variables are loaded prior to the env variables. The env value takes prescience`

All Environment variables are loaded prior to params.

The mission inherits the environment variables passed into the circoket application.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded Yes
  THRUSTERS: GO {{ .Env.PATH }} // GO + expanded PATH environment variable


The includes property is a list of include file definitions. The mission can load and merge include files from either local paths or from web urls. Include files are merged into the parent file such tat parent definitions take prescience.

Include files can be nested. The path to the include file is assumed to be relative to their parent’s include location. When a included configuration references a relative resource, such as a param value file, its location is assumed relative to the cirocket working directory.

See Include definition for more info.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No
  - path: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nehemming/cirocket-config/master/build/stdbuild.yml


List of parameters that must be passed into the mission. If any of the parameters are missing the mission will fail preparation and no stage or onFail stage will be run.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No
  - secret_token


Name of the mission.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


The onFail property defines a stage to run if during the mission execution phase an error occurs. The stage can be used to perhaps clean up resources etc. The onFail stage is not run if the mission fails during the preparation phase. This is because all preparation completes prior to the first stage executing.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


The params property is a map of param definitions. Params are readonly values that are template expanded during the preparation phase of a mission.

When params are expanded they have access to:

  • environment variables passed in from the cirocket environment not overwritten by basicEnv or env entries
  • environment variables defined in basicEnv or env entries.
  • params passed into the application and any defined in the mission definition prior to the one being expanded.

See Param definition for more info.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded Yes


The Sequences property is a list of sequence definitions. A sequence is a key named order list of stages to run. Many different sequences can be defined. Each must have a unique key name and one or more stages to execute. If a sequence is defined for a mission the application caller must provide at least one sequence key name on the command line. If they do not an error will be raised and the mission will fail during the prepare stage. If no sequence definition is present, stages in the mission will all be executed iin the order they are defined.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No
  - release:
    - initialise
    - validate
    - credits
    - goreleaser
    - tag_display
    - cleanup

  - coverage:
    - initialise
    - validate
    - coverage
    - cleanup


The stages property is a list of mission stage definitions. All missions are required to have one or more stages.

If no sequence property is defined thn stages are executed in the order they are specified in the file. otherwise the order stages are executed is determined by the command line sequence arguments.

Feature Used
Mandatory Yes
Template Expanded No


The version property indicates the version of the mission file being used. Currently this value is ignored.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No