
A param definition defines a read only variable used by:


The description property is a free text description of a parameter.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


The name parameter is the unique key name of the parameter.

Feature Used
Mandatory Yes
Template Expanded No


The filter property is an optional filter on the param. If the filter criteria are not met the param value will not be set.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


If optional is true (yes|1) no error will be produced if no file can be loaded from the path. The default is false.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


The pathis the location of a resource that can provide the parameter’s value. Paths may be either a local file system path or a url to file or http(s) resource. If both Path and Value are supplied the resource value will be appended to the Value. Template expressions can be used in the path. The template is expanded to get the location of the resource.

If the resource is successfully located it is appended to the Value property. If SkipExpand is false the combined value will be processed as a template to obtain the final value. If SkipExpand is true the combined value will be used without any additional expansion.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded Yes


If print is true (yes|1) the param name and value will be logged. The default is false.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


If skipExpand is true (yes|1) the value and any file read from path will not be template expanded. The default is false.

Note, The path value will always be expanded.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


The value property contain the value of the parameter. Unless skipExpand is true the value will be template expanded.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded Yes (subject to skipExpand