

Map of environment variables where the values are not template expanded.

The basicEnv variables are loaded prior to the env variables. The env value takes prescience`

The variables are scoped to the specific stage, but inherited by all its tasks.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No
  THRUSTERS: GO{{Not expanded}}


Free text description of the stage.

This property, along with comments can be used to document the stage.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


The dir property optionally specifies the directory in which the stage should be rum.

if the directory does not exist an error will be raised.

Once the stage has completed the parent directory will be restored.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded Yes


Map of environment variables where the values are template expanded.

The basicEnv variables are loaded prior to the env variables. The env value takes prescience`

All Environment variables are loaded prior to params.

The stage inherits the mission’s environment variables.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded Yes


The filter property is an optional filter on the stage. If the filter criteria are not met the stage will be skipped.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


The if condition is evaluated immediately prior to starting execution of the stage’s operations. If the supplied expression does not evaluate to a boolean true expression the stage will be skipped.

When no if property is supplied the stage will default the if condition to true.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded Yes


List of parameters that must be passed into the stage from the mission. If any of the parameters are missing the stage will fail preparation no stage or onFail stage will be run.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


Name of the stage. If supplied the name must be unique across all stages. Stages that are not named are refereed to by their ordinal position in the list of stages. If unnamed stages cannot be used with sequences.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


The noTrust property indicates the stage should not inherit environment variables or parameters from its parent.
This can be used with a stage where you do not want the subtasks to receive API tokens etc. that are stored in the parents environment.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


The onFail property defines a task to run if during the stage’s execution phase an error occurs. The task can be used to perhaps clean up resources etc. The onFail task is not run if the stage fails during the preparation phase.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


The params property is a map of param definitions. Params are readonly values that are template expanded during the preparation phase of a mission.

When params are expanded they have access to:

  • environment variables passed from the mission and not overwritten by basicEnv or env entries
  • environment variables defined in basicEnv or env entries.
  • params passed from the mission.

See Param definition for more info.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded Yes


The ref property allows a stage to reference another stage’s definition. If a ref property is provided it mast identity another named stage. If the stage referenced does not exist the mission wll fail at the prepare phase.

When a target stage ref’s another stage the properties of the referenced stage are copied and merged into the target stage’s properties. Any properties defined in the target stage take precedence over the referenced stage. Stages references are transitive so a referenced stage may reference other stages. The mission fails if a circular reference is detected however.

The ref property is useful to avoid needing to repeat definitions for the onFail stage etc.

Feature Used
Mandatory No
Template Expanded No


The tasks property iis a list of one or more tasks to execute. Tasks are executed sequentially

Feature Used
Mandatory Yes
Template Expanded No