
cirocket can be installed on many different platforms using either:

Release Binaries

All prebuilt binaries can be found in our Github releases.

Detailed instructions for installing on:

Linux and Macos binaries will need to be extracted using tar whilst windows are stored in zip files.


Linux installation packages exist for both AMD and ARM architectures covering


Goto the Github releases page and find the latest release .apk file cirocket_v.v.v_linux_aaa64.apk (where v.v.v is the version number and aaa the architecture).

Download the file.

To install run

apk add --allow-untrusted /path/to/file.apk


Goto the Github releases page and find the latest release .deb file cirocket_v.v.v_linux_aaa64.deb (where v.v.v is the version number and aaa the architecture).

Download the file or copy the file name to modify the script below to use curl.

curl -LO

dpkg -i cirocket_0.3.0_linux_amd64.deb

Depending on your system’s settings you may ne required run dpkg with sudo permissions.


Goto the Github releases page and find the latest release .rpm file cirocket_v.v.v_linux_aaa64.rpm (where v.v.v is the version number and aaa the architecture).

Download the file.

To install run

sudo rpm -i cirocket_0.3.0_linux_amd64.rpm


As well as the .deb, .rpm and .apk package files the Github releases page included generic tar.gz release archives.

  1. Select the correct file to download cirocket_v.v.v_linux_aaa64.rpm (where v.v.v is the version number and aaa the architecture).

  2. Run the script below, modifying the file nam approximately.

cd /tmp

curl -LO

tar -xvzf cirocket_0.3.0_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz

cp cirocket /usr/local/bin

Note the generic install capitalize th ‘L’ in Linux.


The easiest way to install cirocket on a Mac is by using Homebrew. If you are new to Homebrew we would recommend you visiting their official website If you are still keen not to use Homebrew we have included alternative options below.

Install using Homebrew

Open a terminal command prompt and simply run:

brew install nehemming/tap/cirocket 

This will handle all aspects of loading the latest version of cirocket.

Upgrade an existing Homebrew install

Open a terminal command prompt and simply run:

brew update cirocket 

Manual installation options

Pre-build macos binaries are available for both AMD and ARM architectures on the Github releases page.

The app is contained in a compressed tar file. It can be downloaded and extracted to a suitable folder on the search path.

Windows (64 bit)

Windows installation involves a couple of manual steps.

First Time Preparation

Before you can install cirocket for the first time there are a couple of optional preparation steps that need to be completed. These steps create a folder to store the cirocket.exe application and add it to the Windows search PATH environment variable. Both steps require administrator permissions. If you don’t have admin access cirocket can still bee used by in a local directory.

For subsequent releases these steps will already have been done and can be ignored.

  1. Create a Program files folder to store the executable. Open a command window as administrator and run the following command.
mkdir "C:\Program Files\cirocket"
  1. Add the C:\Program Files\cirocket folder to the Windows system (or user) search PATH. On Windows Vista or newer, open Systems and Maintenance in the Control Panel, then select System. In the System dialog, pick Advanced system settings from the Tasks list on the left to bring up the System Properties dialog box. (On pre-Vista systems, select the System application in the Control Panel to bring up the System Properties dialog box.) On the Advanced tab of the System Properties dialog box, click the Environment Variables button to display user and system variables. In the System variables section, select the Path variable and click Edit. Insert C:\Program Files\cirocket; at the front/top of the list.

Add or Upgrade Windows Installation

  1. Download the latest cirocket windows release.
    Goto the Github releases page and find the latest release zip file (where v.v.v is the version number.) Download the file.

  2. Using File Explorer open the downloaded ZIP file and copy the cirocket.exe into the C:\Program Files\cirocket folder. If you are updating an existing installation toy can overwrite the previous file.

We hope to add a Windows packaged installation option (such as msi) in the future. However currently Windows packages need a Windows machine to build them and this falls outside our cross platform build process.

Docker Image

cirocket has a basic docker image available in Github packages.

To use the image, either pull it or include it in Dockerfile FROM statement.

docker pull

The tool is best used with a mounted volume pointing at your project.

docker run --rm -ti -v /host/project:/project cirocket --dir /project init

TIP: The --dir flag switches to the supplied directory before running the tool.

Source Code

cirocket is written in Go and can easily be built from source. to build from source you will require Go version 1.16 installed. there are however two distinct methods of installing the software.

  1. By cloning the repository and building locally

  2. By Building and installing the software from source using the Go tool chain.

Cloning the repository

git clone
cd cirocket
go install

Build and install

go install